Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging from Individual Cells to Plant Populations
VAT number: CZ60646594
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Brno under the Trade
Register number: C 27560
General phone number: +420 511 440 012
Inquires and orders:
Technical support:
Sales department:
+420 511 440 034, info(at)psi.cz
Sales department - PlantScreens and Growth Chambers:
+420 511 440 567
Shipping department:
+420 511 440 549, shipping(at)psi.cz
Purchasing department:
+420 511 440 545, nakup(at)psi.cz
Automation department – PlantScreenTM construction:
+420 511 440 025, atf(at)psi.cz
Mechanical engineering:
+420 511 440 023, mechanicka(at)psi.cz